ESA License: #7007353


Is your home’s electrical wiring damaged or outdated? Electrical malfunction is one of the leading causes of house fires. Keeping your wiring up to date is one of the most important home safety measures you can take.

APS Electric offers professional electrical rewiring services to homeowners. Our licensed and certified electricians have the skills needed to properly rewire your home so that you can enjoy safer living conditions, a more powerful electrical system, and better energy efficiency.

When Do You Need to Rewire a House?

Your home’s electrical system is, for the most part, hidden away inside walls and ceilings, and it isn’t always easy to check for damage. But there are signs that indicate the need for new wiring:

If Your Home Is Old

Older homes don’t usually meet modern safety standards and electrical codes. If your home was built more than 50 years ago, and the wiring has never been updated, it’s time to call an electrician—especially if you have aluminum or knob-and-tube wiring in place.

If Your Electrical Needs Aren’t Being Met

We use more electricity these days than ever before, and an older breaker box may not be able to handle all the appliances and electronics you want to run. If you’re constantly blowing fuses, or if your home doesn’t have enough outlets for your needs, it’s time for an upgrade.

If Your Lights Are Flickering Met

Flickering lights aren’t just annoying—they often mean you have loose wiring connections that may need to be upgraded.

If Your Outlets Are Singed

Take a close look at your electrical outlets. Do you see any black singe marks? Singed outlets are cause for immediate concern, as they can mean that the wires inside your walls are shorting. If you notice a burning smell, too, you should call your local fire department, and then contact an electrician.

If Your Fuse Box Is Falling Apart

Does your breaker box have fuses rather than circuit breakers? Is the box itself made out of wood? Is it unlabeled? All of these are signs that your electrical wiring is outdated and needs to be replaced ASAP.

If You Want to Renovate

If you’re renovating or updating your home, you may find that your current electrical system can’t handle modern, energy-efficient appliances, an electric car charging station, or a new HVAC system. In these instances, you’ll have to rewire in order to support all of the upgrades you want to make.

Why Electrical Rewiring Is Important

Electrical rewiring is one of the most disruptive home improvement projects you can undertake, but the benefits of updated wiring are well worth it.

Schedule Home Rewiring With Us